Welcome to New Life Covenant Church

• Christmas Eve Service: December 24th | 7PM-

Please join us to celebrate the birth of Christ by worshiping together on Christmas Eve. Service will be held in our main sanctuary. 

• Uprising Conference at CASC (7/5-7/7) 

Join us for the Uprising Conference, a conference for college students, young adults, and those who love to worship with young people. It is FREE if you are commuting from home—a love offering will be received. To register, please click here

• Baptism

Are you interested in baptized in August? Please sign up if you are interested. The class is July 8, 15, 22, 29 @ 12:00-1:30 PM in the library. 

• No OASIS at Palatine (May—August) 

There will be no OASIS at Palatine next Sunday because of Mother's Day. We will be taking a break from OASIS at Palatine for the summer. We will resume September 9th.

• Please Pray & Financially Support Joanne Choi

Let's pray for our sister, Joanne Choi, who is going to Nigeria for a medical mission trip from May to August! You can financially support her by clicking here. Joanne's missionary ID is: 048641.

• Summer Mission Trip to Bolivia (August 6-15) 

Please come with us to Cochabamba, Bolivia this summer! We will be involved in construction, medical missions, children's ministry, revival meetings, and door-to-door evangelism. We are partnering with a church in Canada. The cost will be $2500 plus visa. If you are interested, please sign up on the form by May 9th.

• Refreshment Sign-Up

If you have been attending our church and partaking our food for over 3 months, we ask you to serve in some capacity...either in bringing food, setting up/clean up (if finances are an issue, you can help with dishes and clean up). Please sign-up on the sign-up form that circulates during Sunday service.

• Children's Ministry's New Model

We are inviting 2 volunteers each for the nursery (2-4 yrs) & the elementary (grades 1-5) to commit for two months at a time. If interested, please sign up on the form circulating during service or contact Michelle Hur or Grace Lee.

• Pray & Financially Support Our Missionaries

Please partner with our in-house missionaries in prayer & finances.

Joseph Park—YWAM Taiwan & Indonesia (March)

Timothy Lee—Children's DTS staff (Kona, HI) 

• Morning Prayer on Saturdays in the choir room @ 7 AM

We invite prayer warriors to our Saturday morning prayer. We are praying especially for those who are far from God. If interested, please contact Dennis Gilmer by clicking HERE.

• Ask the Pastor

You can anonymously submit questions that you may have that Pastor Joon and his pastoral care team will answer. Feel free to write your question(s) on the bulletin tear off section and drop off in one of the offering baskets during Sunday service.

• Let's pray for victory!

Please continue to pray for healing of our brother & sisters who are sick. 

Kevin Baek's father—stroke recovery

Bob Romine—Alzheimer's

Rose Allivato—stroke recovery

Sonya's father & mother—back, knees, leg

Scott Krall's sister-in-law—breast cancer

Patrick Son—hearing damage

Drew's brother (Mark)—need oxygen to breathe

Althea Brown—health

Stacy Geng—depression

Sonya Alston—diabetes